01432 623 256 esp@elitesecurity.org.uk

Accurate assessment for the right security solutions

At the heart of effective and robust security management is a thorough understanding of current circumstances and any threat or risks on the horizon. The best levels of security protection are most likely to be established following a detailed audit.

At Elite Security Professionals, we are always operation-ready but we also provide expert consultancy and advice in order to establish the right security solutions. If you require an in-depth assessment of your current and future security, we can help.

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What’s involved?

We carry out a range of assessments on both residential and commercial properties including city residences, flats and apartments, country estates and a wide range of business premises and sporting and entertainment venues.

An extensive security audit is extremely useful at any time. Some of our clients may initially feel they do need security, others may consider their security measures adequate. They are often surprised by the results which can highlight vulnerabilities they have never considered and also show weaknesses in systems they may already have in place.

What our security audits cover

Broadly speaking, a detailed security assessment has three aspects which we adapt to your specific circumstances:


This takes into account where your property is situated, how it is accessed, the number of buildings and outbuildings and the current security management systems you have in place.


Where do you have security vulnerabilities? We use our own expert assessment and also strategies such as crime pattern analysis which takes into account specific threats within your local community. We liaise with the police and any other local crime enforcement agencies as required.


This aspect looks at the potential impacts of a security emergency and how these can be mitigated.

What we do with the results

The results of the analysis allow us to draw up a detailed plan with our findings and recommendations. What are the risks and how can these be mitigated? How can things be made more robust and also manageable?

All of these factors enable us to create a highly effective and bespoke security management plan for your home or premises.


Let Elite Security Professionals manage your Security Threat and Risk Assessment requirements:

  • Extensive experience of managing security – so we can easily spot vulnerabilities
  • Consultancy and analytical expertise
  • We provide a detailed report with all of the information you need
  • Thorough recommendations to ensure your safety
  • Discrete and professional in our activities at all times

For a detailed discussion of your requirements, please contact Elite Security Professionals today. We will be delighted to provide you with expert security advice and guidance.

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